Interested in having a Lunch and Learn?
Schedule a date & earn CEU credits for your team!
We are scheduling out lunch and learn presentations and
we would like to come to your office (in person or via zoom) to do a CEU presentation.
Member: In Person
Non-Member: Via Zoom
Lunch provided at both
Click here to view the dates and sign up.
We will contact you once you sign up!
We have the following courses available:
For Architects & Construction Managers –
Courses approved through AIA for 1.0 LU/HSW Credit:
- Masonry Flashing
- Meeting the Energy Code with Single Wythe CMU
- Masonry Fire Resistance Ratings
- Mastering your Masonry Specification
- Generic Masonry Details
- Masonry Construction Documentation Requirements
- Movement Control
For Structural Engineers –
Courses approved through AIA for 1.0 LU/HSW Credit:
- Masonry Software (EleMasonry/Direct Design Software)
- Masonry Lintels
- Movement Control
- Masonry Wall Design
We also have Materials Testing course approved for 1.0 CEU:
- Grout and Mortar Testing Requirements (ASTM C270, ASTM C476, ASTM C1019)
Contact us if you are interested – info@masonryinfo.org
The More You Know
MIM's downloadable continuing education
Are You Overengineering Your Walls?
1. Learn about the IBC and ASCE 7 requirements for minimum wind and seismic loads applied to CMU walls.
2. Learn about the TMS 402 Strength Design procedure for design of CMU walls for flexure and deflection.
3. Become familiar with proprietary spreadsheets, such as that developed bythe Masonry Institute of Michigan, for designing CMU walls.
Flashing Masonry
1. Review the requirements of the Michigan Building Code and the International Building Code as they relate to masonry flashing and weepholes. Requirements included in Chapter 12 (Veneers) of the Building Code Requirements and Specification for Masonry Structures (TMS 402/602) will also be reviewed.
2. Review wall details developed by the Generic Wall Design Committee of MIM for flashing multi-wythe and single wythe wall systems.
3. Learn the effects and sources of water and the history of masonry flashing.
4. Review flashing and weephole materials, as well as industry
recommendations for installation and spacing.
Mastering Your Masonry Spec
1. Review generic masonry specification documents to develop an
understanding of different options available. Examples of masonry materials
including mortar, grout, and masonry units will be presented.
2. Attendees will understand different options for managing movement within
masonry assemblies. Special emphasis will be placed on how horizontal joint
reinforcement can impact the final product and aesthetics of the masonry
3. Review of different mortar types, including: masonry cement, Portland
cement/lime, and mortar cement. Attendees will develop an understanding of
when various mortar types should be specified depending on project
4. Review acceptance criteria for masonry assemblies. Attendees will become
familiar with ASTM requirements regarding defective units, sample panels, and
TMS 402/602 code requirements.
Meeting the Energy Code with Single Wythe CMU
1. Learn about the various concrete masonry units that can be used to design
single wythe walls including conventional units, open end units and double open
end units, and specialty units.
2. Learn about the prescriptive requirements in the current energy code
(ASHRAE 90.1) for masonry walls in Climate Zones 5, 6, and 7 for semi-heated
and heated buildings.
3. Learn about the industry tools available to assist designers in determining R-
values and U-factors for various masonry walls including the NCMA Thermal
Calculator and the NCMA Thermal Catalog.
Movement Control
- Review IBC and TMS 402 code language as it relates to specifying movement joints in construction documents.
- Learn about the recommendations from the Brick Industry Association and Concrete Masonry and Hardscapes Association as they relate to the types and spacing of movement joints in masonry wall assemblies.
- Learn about the fire resistance ratings of various movement joints.
- Learn how tools, such as the control joint and expansion joint calculators developed by the MIM, can be used to locate movement joints on projects.
Construction Documentation Requirements
1. Identify relevant provisions related to masonry construction documentation from both the International Building Code and the Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures.
2. Discuss some ramifications related to lack of proper construction documentation for masonry construction.
3. Understand the purpose of construction documentation related to specifications and detailing of masonry elements and structures.
4. Identify other beneficial content for specifications and drawings to assist in proper construction and reduced errors and re-work.
Masonry Fire Resistance Ratings
- Review IBC and ACI/TMS 216 code language as it relates to fire resistance ratings of masonry wall assemblies.
- Learn how to calculate the required equivalent thickness to achieve fire resistance ratings for both single wythe and multi-wythe masonry wall assemblies.
- Learn how to detail openings in accordance with NFPA 285.