Join Masonry Institute of Michigan
Become a MIM member today!
This is a personal invite on behalf of the Masonry Institute of Michigan and myself for you and your company to become a member. Become a member of a well-respected Institute established over a half a century ago. Become a part of a learning process. Become a pro-active voice in making changes. Become the best you can be. You owe it to yourself, your employees and the industry you serve. I know times are tough and you are probably tired of hearing this. So what are we going to do about it? We are going to work together to promote the best building system known to mankind. We have a plan and it’s called Masonry’s Role in the 21st Century.
Please take the time to review the membership benefits. Your father and perhaps your grandfather or a friend may have inspired your masonry career choice, but believe me, the masonry industry is no longer as it was in your father’s day. Sure it’s still one on top of two but it is much more than this. Remember on a per square foot wall basis, masonry walls can provide structure, enclosure, façade, redundancy, fire resistance, thermal resistance, sound resistance, and mold and mildew resistance, in truth, a complete building system! Please consider joining the Institute today by filling out the membership application on our website

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MIM’s goals to promote and advance the masonry industry are realized as a result of members’ continued dedication and support. We wish to thank all the members of the Masonry Institute of Michigan for their time, energy and resources.
Join with other Architects, Engineers, Specifiers, General Contractors, Construction Managers, Building Inspectors, Building Officials, Mason Contractors, and Accessory, Equipment and Product Suppliers to:
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Expand your network and enjoy the camaraderie of your peers
Gain a competitive edge with knowledge of the latest industry advances
Enhance your skills with access to valuable resources
Increase awareness of your company and showcase your successes